
The Chiss Ascendancy does partner with outside vendors to perform mining, transportation, construction and other services for the Ascendancy. Organizations must be deemed in good standing to receive government contracts.

Some vendors may achieve preferred partner status and collaborate on long term enterprise with the Ascendancy.

Safe Trading Practices

Looking to buy a ship or or flip a trade for profit? The Chiss Ascendancy recommends the following safe trading practices to ensure your interests are protected. There are several good habits to maximize your safety:

  • Use a reputable marketplace

Trade Federation Market or the Centrepoint Market offers a way to check on the sellers reputation and provides safe trading lists.

  • Use a middle

Using reputable middle ensures both parties are protected and is highly recommended to use. The Chiss Ascendancy will middle deals for Ascendancy citizens.

  • Check the goods

Ensure the products are freely accessible, and if there are restrictions, what are they? Read the fine print and ask in advance before you buy.