March of Silence

Years of Antiquity

The March of Silence was a ritual held within Convocate Hall that enabled the Ruling Families to punish their enemies. As time progressed however it became more of a means for the Syndics (Who at that time were also Aristocra) and Speakers to discuss matters between themselves without having to visit each other’s offices. Eventually the March of Silence fell out of favor with the Ruling Families and as the structures of the Ascendancy changed depending on who was leading, the ritual was seen as necessary.

Modern Era

With the 7th Chiss Ascendancy governing, the Syndicure wanted a means for the Chiss to bring forward anything they collectively felt needed changing. Members of the Ascendancy could bring forwards their feelings to the Syndicure and Chiss in the wider community could collectively do the same with the Council of Families.

If a group of Chiss felt that something needing to be addressed, they can nominate from among themselves someone to walked the March of Silence on their behalf. They would be known as an Advocate who would petition the Syndicure or the Council of Families to address their grievance.

The affected ruling body would then discuss the matter, either asking the Advocate for more information before coming to a decision, or deciding the matter based on what was presented if they felt enough information has already been given. Once the matter was discussed and decided upon, the decision of that ruling body would then announce the outcome, and why they came to that conclusion.